Flint Welding Supply

From I-75 merge on to I-69 going east. Exit at Dort Highway and go north North. Then East onto Davison Rd. Cross over Railroad tracks. Then take first road on Left (Branch Rd.) heading North. They are on the left four and one half blocks in a brown office building.
Saginaw Welding Supply

Take I-75 North towards Saginaw. Take I-675 North-West and exit on Tittabawassee Road. Turn Left off exit. Travel 0.2 mile and then right on Davis Road. Saginaw Welding is 1/4 mile on the right.
Dalton Elevator

From I-69 exit at Exit 118. Travel north on M-71 for 11 miles to Washington Street. Turn left on Washington. Dalton Elevator is 100 yards ahead located on the southwest corner of Washington Street and Cournna Avenue (M-71).